Hampton Roads
Water Services
Your Full Service Water Quality Experts!
We are a local water testing service for the Hampton Roads, Tidewater, and Richmond areas. We provide you peace of mind and simple solutions to any water issues!

Find Out What’s In Your Water!

How can we help you?
Our water specialists are ready to help you solve these common water issues!
Hard Water Buildup
More than just a pain to clean, hard water can cause permanent damage to water-using appliances, pipes, faucets, and fixtures. Luckily, there’s an all-natural solution that will protect your home…
Bacteria & Viruses
Bacteria and viruses in water aren't just a nuisance; they can cause serious health issues and damage your water system. Fortunately, there's a natural solution to keep your water safe and your family protected...
Bad Tasting and/or
Contaminated Water
Most water contamination happens AFTER the water leaves your local water treatment plant. Between the miles of pipes, and the use of chlorine, it’s not unusual for water to be contaminated & taste pretty gross.

Why Choose Us?
Lifetime Warranty
We have the industry’s most comprehensive warranty Lifetime Warranty.
*Ask your representative for details
Many Satisfied Customers
Your experience with us is our primary area of focus. We’ve served many local Hampton Roads & Tidewater residents and would love to earn your trust too.
Proudly “Made in the USA”
Our water and air treatment systems meet the highest industry standards and are assembled and shipped from our Chicago factory.

Find Out What’s In Your Water!

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